
PERSONA: the happy moments hit the
uncomfortable ANX. You feel internaly
devourin your own stomach. She dances
entrancin you naked you just stare
the storm in the background. you ob-
serve silently, her imperfect body. elastic
rock'n'roll music, but your body rejects it,
lesser movements. Just pURE dancin,
you resent it, inTERNALLY. Your body doesnt
feel the rhytm. Your feelin of internal
vomit the feelin of sexual abuse.
You WANNA lay in the bed ALONE. the rhytm
takes you, unconsciously, she dances off rhytm
deconstructing theme. youre not here willing-
ly. you feel like VOMITIN each time she
approaches you. You don't FIND comfort
in her movement, rather upset in the stomach.
You won't slEEp with her tonight.
she tries but you can't feel comfy
w' her. You go to sleep with a headache.