a mother, a friend, a lover

"Noemi! Noemi! Noemi!"
I burst your name from the rooftop
"theres somethin wrong with my body!
i cant control a single heartbeat!"

my body of iron
as rough as they build 'em,
melting gently
over your chest
but what's a brilliant shape
of pure ferrouciousness
a brilliant necklase
to a body so pure

when I bleed
 -knives can't cut me-
will you inject my searing skull
my hands full of roots
into your own veins
without contempt?

I demand pure devotion
none less than of a machinery
conceiving every cog 
of my bare existence
the cock the cog of reproduction
the mind the cog of progress
the soul the cog of affection
you question my affection still?

I stole the Eiffel in your name
melted every single bolt
and pillar
into a chain-like lead sculpture
a key about to pierce your corpus
leaning afloat my amour-fed Zeppelin
 -what is affection 
if not a cloud of addiction

Why would I sit around
await your presence
you already let me in
you already expressed
your passsion and love
I won't be waitin
for your body to come and merge
I'm already outside
sole two pure lips complete
 -but await me in your sleep
Ill come ramming on your door late night
 -door chest and crotch
and you won't have the vigor to resist me